Five Questions with Laura Bain of AMI This Week
Representing AMI This Week on the east coast is the very talented Laura Bain, based in Halifax. Laura is brave and adventurous and there isn't much that she won't do for the sake of a good ATW story! We catch up with Laura to ask her five questions about work, life and everything in between.
What's the best thing about being an AMI Presenter?
The best thing about being an AMI Presenter is that I’m working in a field I’m passionate about. Advocating for and with other people who have disabilities to bring about a more inclusive and empathetic world is what excites me most. It motivates me to get up in the morning.
What has been your favourite AMI This Week assignment so far?
The most exciting assignment so far was last September when I rappelled down the side of Halifax’s tallest office building as part of Easter Seals Drop Zone. I was completely terrified, especially once I got up on the roof. But once I’d stepped over the edge and then made it to the ground I felt so alive and powerful for having conquered my fear. Be sure to check out the Drop Zone segment for AMI This Week, if you haven’t already!
Is there anything you absolutely won't do for an AMI story - even if we ask really nicely?
There are very few things I’m not willing to try… at least once. I’m terrified of rodents so any segment involving rats or mice would be tricky. On the other hand, I like to try and overcome my fears, so you never know.
If you could live anywhere in the world where would it be?
That’s a tough one. There are so many places I’d like to visit. I love Halifax, but I think I’d like to live somewhere warmer. I’ve always been attracted to The Mediterranean, especially Greece. I’d like a slow pace of life, a warm climate, and an abundance of good food. Wherever that is, take me there! Â
What's your ultimate guilty pleasure?
Pictou County Pizza - don’t forget the donair sauce! I love it so much that we featured it in a segment for AMI This Week.