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Episode 1657

  • Jaws 2024 was released, what features were released? Michael Babcock explains on our Tech Talk.
  • Young Canadians are finding ways to stretch every dollar they earn. Grant Hardy tells us more on his Headlines chat.
  • Season 4 of Level Playing Field airs Tuesdays on AMI-tv. We’re joined by special guest on the program, Paralympian, Marissa Papaconstantinou.
  • We re-visit a conversation we had at the Balance Community Info Fair with Domenic Cutulle, Program and Services Manager at CultureLink.
  • Alethea Bakogeorge tells us about the Musical Stage Company’s 17th annual UnCovered concert and a very special upcoming accessible performance.
  • On Know Your Rights, Danielle McLaughlin is joined by Kelly McDermott, president of the Ontario Bar Association to talk about the new peer support network for lawyers with disabilities.
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