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Meagan Gillmore smiles into the camera.

Meet Meagan Gillmore

Meagan Gillmore has worked as a journalist for outlets across Canada, including in the Yukon and New Brunswick. She started working with AMI-audio in 2016 and is currently an accessibility reporter for NOW with Dave Brown

Meagan’s writing has appeared in various outlets, including the CBC, Toronto Star, and The Walrus. Her Walrus essay, “The author who shaped the way we represent disability”—about the late children’s author Jean Little—was nominated for a Digital Publishing Award in 2021 and read by Meagan on Voices of The Walrus.

Meagan was born in London, Ont., and grew up in Brantford, where she earned a degree in English and journalism from Wilfrid Laurier University. She also has a certificate in publishing from Centennial College. She’s pursuing a Master’s degree in journalism from Carleton University in Ottawa. She is a passionate lover of books, country music, chocolate and peanut butter combinations, podcasts, the Toronto Blue Jays, and puppies, among more serious pursuits.

Meagan is continually amazed by all the people she meets as a result of her visual impairment (and perhaps because her love of travel is combined with a poor sense of direction). She believes disability can lead us to better and deeper relationships. Each month on Connecting Disability she asks others about how their disability has expanded their connections with others, themselves and society.