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AMI launches fully accessible AMI+ ,
Slick modern look, one-of-a-kind original award-winning content and accessible: AMI pulls back the curtain on AMI+.
news article AMI launches fully accessible AMI+
Slick modern look, one-of-a-kind original award-winning content and accessible: AMI pulls back the curtain on AMI+.
Experience AMI+ now!-
watchNOW with Dave Brown
Show NOW with Dave Brown: NOW with Dave Brown Highlight: The Canada Disability Benefit with Michael Prince , watch video
In this NOW with Dave Brown Highlight: How do you feel about the Canada Disability Benefit? The announcement has garnered a lot of reaction since the federal budget was released last week. Michael Prince, from the University of Victoria, weighs in with his thoughts.
Duration: 15 minutes and 48 seconds -
Thank you for your support! , read article
Many of you sent a letter to the CRTC following our request to raise the monthly subscription rate that cable television services must pay to distribute AMI-tv. We appreciate your support and will keep you informed of their decision.
watchKelly and Ramya
Show Kelly and Ramya: Kelly & Ramya Highlight: The Get REAL Movement's Chris Studer and Courtney Allain , watch video
In this Kelly & Ramya Highlight: We learn more about The Get REAL Movement, a Canadian non-profit focused on combatting 2SLGBTQ+ discrimination, racism, and bullying in schools, summer camps and workplaces.
Duration: 15 minutes and 47 seconds -
Show Push: Squirrel Stew , watch video
Brian pushes the Wheelie Peeps way out of their comfort zone on an off-the-grid camping trip. Meanwhile, Bean struggles with the decision to make her new relationship official.
Duration: 22 minutes and 20 seconds -
watchAccess Tech Live
Show Access Tech Live: Green Tech and Managing Parkinson's , watch video
Steven and Marc talk about sustainability in tech for Earth Day. Plus, they welcome the COO and CFO of Rune Labs, who are making major strides in the management and treatment of Parkinson’s disease.
Duration: 50 minutes and 08 seconds -
watchOur Community
Show Our Community: NL Deaf Choir , watch video
In this episode of Our Community, we shine a spotlight on the first choir in the Atlantic Provinces whose membership is Deaf. Witness how the universal language of music spreads joy and connection to many.
Duration: 22 minutes and 00 seconds -
watchYou Can't Ask That
Show You Can't Ask That: Brain Injuries , watch video
Did your brain injury affect your intelligence? Will you ever get back to normal? Meet Canadians who discuss the stereotypes and frustrations associated with brain injury.
Duration: 22 minutes and 06 seconds -
Media Accessibility , read article
Media is an integral part of our daily lives. It entertains, informs, educates and often dictates the trends that define popular culture of the day. Simply put, media is an essential part of our society.