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A woman and man share a laugh. The man is a white cane user.

Support AMI's Submission to Amend Broadcasting Order

AMI recently submitted a request to the CRTC to raise the monthly wholesale rate that broadcasting distribution undertakings (cable and satellite companies) must pay for distributing AMI-tv (0.01$/month) and AMI-télé (0.02$/month) to subscribers.

We are seeking letters of support for this request by Thursday, April 4.

Part of this process includes reaching out to our community partners, customers and their family and friends for letters of support. These letters are vital in demonstrating and reaffirming to the CRTC that AMI is a media company that entertains, informs and empowers Canadians with disabilities through the offering of relevant original content. 

AMI: What we stand for

  • AMI provides more coverage of disability and accessibility issues than any other media outlet in Canada
  • AMI creates and curates content that is relevant to the disability community
  • AMI’s vision is to establish AMI as a leader in the offering of accessible content providing a voice for Canadians with disabilities through authentic storytelling, representation, and positive portrayal

Letters of support will be accepted until Thursday, April 4, and may be submitted to the CRTC via three convenient methods.

How to submit a letter of support

Method 1: CRTC website

Submit your letter of support via the CRTC website:…

Method 2: Email AMI

Email your letter to and we will submit on your behalf.

Tips on preparing your letter:

  1. In either the first or last paragraph include the statement: I do/do not wish to appear at the public hearing.
  2. Include the application reference number; 
    • 2024-0082-8 
  3. Indicate your support for the application
  4. Identify if you are a viewer/listener with a disability and if so, please be specific. Example – I am partially sighted.
  5. How long have you been an AMI viewer or listener?
  6. What specific features of AMI-tv and AMI-télé do you benefit from the most? What is the benefit? 
  7. Would you or have you recommended AMI to your family and friends?

Sample submission:

I am writing in support of AMI’s application 2024-0082-8 to increase monthly wholesale rates on an interim basis. I rely on AMI to keep me informed and entertained. As a Canadian who is a member of the disability community, I appreciate AMI’s positive portrayal of persons with disabilities and the geographical diversity of the programming. AMI helps me feel connected to the community. 

Method 3: Information or assistance by phone

If you have further questions or require additional information or assistance, email or call 1-800-567-6755 to speak directly with an AMI staff member.


We thank you, in advance, for your anticipated support.