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11th Global Accessibility Awareness Day

11th Global Accessibility Awareness Day poster
  • The Microsoft Ability summit just wrapped up, and Michael Babcock shares highlight announcements from the event.
  • Which second round matchups are the most intriguing in the NHL? Brock Richardson gives us his thoughts.
  • Vancouver Reporter Grant Hardy is here to chat about the Inclusive Gaming feature on tonight’s episode of AMI This Week.
  • Thursday, May 19th marks the 11th Global Accessibility Awareness Day. We chat about this special day and what it entails with Joe Devon, Co-Founder of Diamond and GAAD.
  • ReelAbilities Film Festival Toronto is back for the 7th Annual Festival taking place in person and online. We learn more about this event with Festival Coordinator, Linda Luarasi.
  • Certain revelations have led to several people having their names withdrawn by the political parties they have chosen to represent in elections. What are the implications of these decisions? We discuss with Danielle McLaughlin.

Benefits from taking a break on social media

Social media logos
  • What are the benefits from taking a break on social media? Jeff Ryman dives into this in his lifestyle headlines.
  • We discuss important software and hardware updates to Google, on our App Update with John Biehler.
  • A very popular event in Vancouver is back on track! The Abilities Expo will be held later this month, and Sylvi Fekete fills us in.
  • Blackstone Publishing is experimenting with an interactive e-book concept. We get Ryan Hooey’s reviews on the creation.

Positives of adding native plants to our gardens

A colourful backyard garden
  • Last week, we learned a lot about what's new in the second edition of Michael Feir's free guide for blind iPhone users. Michael is back to explain the process of creating the guide.
  • Gardener Susan Kerney explains the positives of adding native plants to our gardens.
  • Community Reporter Annette Dennis highlights the Summer Festivals Block Party London, Presented by TD Sunfest & Home County.
  • We flip through quirky stories from around the globe with Jeff Ryman, on What in the World.
  • Our guest for this week’s Roundtable conversation is AMI Vancouver Reporter Grant Hardy.

How can we fix workplace burnout?

People working in an office
  • How can rock climbing increase your health? Jeff Ryman explains in his health headlines.
  • On In The Know, Margrett Weldon offers tips for safe ways to maintain our indoor and outdoor spaces during Spring.
  • Manitoba’s Government has launched mental health and addiction services at new Youth Hubs, in collaboration with the United Way. Jim Krysko has the details.
  • According to new Robert Half data, 38 per cent of Canadian workers are more burned out now than a year ago. Why is that? What can we do to fix that? We chat more about this with Michael French from Robert Half.
  • Ready to deep clean your washroom? Leanne Baarda brings us tips during another Spring Cleaning conversation.

Snack ideas that pack and travel well

A variety of nuts and seeds
  • Dr. Danielle Jongkind explains a common health condition in large breed dogs, called GDV.
  • Are you eating on the go? Nutritionist Julia Karantjas shares snack ideas that pack and travel well.
  • We speak to Dee Hope, a writer involved in Who Is We: Voices Across The Divides which takes place in Toronto this week. We learn about her journey and bringing this show to the stage.
  • A new Cycling Program is kicking off in Medicine Hat. We get the details with Community Reporter Toni Freimark.
  • AMI colleague Karen Magee returns to the Collections & Hobbies hot seat, this time to feature her Buffy the Vampire Slayer comic collection.