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Full Show - Episode 970

Posted on: November 30, 2020

Episode Description

With everyone wearing multiple hats - working from home, teaching, and keeping our own projects in line - it's important to manage what you need to get done. Michael Babcock shares his pick for a project management app, on our Tech Talk. The NFL has some major COVID-19 concerns. How will this affect gameplay? Brock Richardson joins us to chat more. We get a preview of tonight’s episode of AMI This Week with Edmonton Reporter Bethany Deer. The 9th annual Human Rights Film Festival kicks off this Thursday. What’s new this year and what can we expect? We chat with Gilad Cohen, Programming Lead at the event to learn more! Danielle McLaughlin and her granddaughter Tal discuss the mental health crises some students are experiencing during COVID-19 schooling.

Episode Description

With everyone wearing multiple hats - working from home, teaching, and keeping our own projects in line - it's important to manage what you need to get done. Michael Babcock shares his pick for a project management app, on our Tech Talk. The NFL has some major COVID-19 concerns. How will this affect gameplay? Brock Richardson joins us to chat more. We get a preview of tonight’s episode of AMI This Week with Edmonton Reporter Bethany Deer. The 9th annual Human Rights Film Festival kicks off this Thursday. What’s new this year and what can we expect? We chat with Gilad Cohen, Programming Lead at the event to learn more! Danielle McLaughlin and her granddaughter Tal discuss the mental health crises some students are experiencing during COVID-19 schooling.