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  • Chronic Pain

    Chronic Pain

    Duration: minutes and seconds

    You’re not really disabled, are you? Are you really in pain, or do you just want to get high off pain meds? These outspoken Canadians set the record straight on the stigmas and realities of chronic pain.

  • Brain Injuries

    Brain Injuries

    Duration: minutes and seconds

    Did your brain injury affect your intelligence? Will you ever get back to normal? Meet Canadians who discuss the stereotypes and frustrations associated with brain injury.

  • Depression


    Duration: minutes and seconds

    You look so happy; how can you be depressed? Can’t you just snap out of it? Meet Canadians who share their moving stories and break down taboos around depression.

  • Burn Survivors

    Burn Survivors

    Duration: minutes and seconds

    Were you in an accident? Can I touch your burn scars? Are people afraid of you? Canadians talk about their journeys and the stigmas they face as burn survivors.

  • Memory Loss

    Memory Loss

    Duration: minutes and seconds

    What does a person with memory issues look like? Are you blissfully unaware? Memory loss is unique to each person. We meet Canadians who candidly share their experiences with this invisible disability.