Community Report - Central
Listen to NOW with Dave Brown weekdays 9 to 11 a.m. Eastern to find out what's happening in your community! Tune in weekly to hear from our community reporters across the country bringing you information on events and happenings in the blind and partially sighted community across Canada. Click here for more reports in other regions: Atlantic, Pacific and West.
Since losing his eyesight in 2013, Derek has been passionate about advocating for and educating others about the blind community. Derek has been dedicated to trying to break down the walls of misconception and myth around the lives of blind people.
Recent Report:
September 7, 2022 - Derek Lackey describes an upcoming CNIB orientation session about guide dog rights.
More details
Topic: CNIB Orientation Session – Guide Dog Rights
Date: September 21, 2pm to 3pm eastern – those working for or volunteering for CNIB around guide dogs
Date: September 22, 2pm to 3pm eastern- for handlers