Community Report - Atlantic
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Nova Scotia
Milena is a self-described adventurer. She’s a volunteer with Frontier college where she tutors kids and she also spends lots of time advocating for the blind and partially sighted community in her area. Milena is a big fan of the arts, she loves to cook and enjoys running the roads with her guide dog, Louis.
Recent report:
September 21, 2022 - Milena Khazanavicius chats about a new accessible taxi service coming to Halifax! She also describes a new accessible play called “Crypthand.” And she gives details about the ‘Quiet Parade,’ an inclusive celebration at this year’s Nocturne Arts Festival.
More details:
Topic 1: “Extra Care Taxi” - Halifax
Contact: Bookings can be made by phone at 902-334-0334, and online through the Extra Care Taxi Web Booker page, or through the Extra Care Taxi App.
Date: There is an upcoming Extra Care Taxi launch event on October 11th from 1:00-2:00pm at Halifax Hall, 1841 Argyle St, Halifax.
Topic 2: ‘Crypthand’ – A Play with description.
Location address: Bus Stop Theatre, 2203 Gottingen St., Halifax.
Date: Play time with description: October 2 at 2pm
Phone: or text: 902- 298-4828