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Beth Deer previews Aspen Guide Dogs

A woman and her guide dog smile into the camera.

By Beth Deer

This story is one that is really close to my heart, are you surprised? It's about dogs.

We had the great pleasure of interviewing the co-owners of Aspen Service Dogs, a charity that trains mobility, autism spectrum, PTSD and owner trained service dogs. We were also able to interview a mother of a young boy who had recently received an autism spectrum assistance dog from Aspen.

When I watched the first edit of this story, I welled up because the relationship this young boy has with his dog reminds me of how lucky I am to have Patronus. Many of us are lucky to have wonderful training schools like Aspen to support us and our dogs.

On a related note, I’ve been emailing back and forth with Maria, one of Aspen's owners, who has been a guide dog trainer for 25 years. She’s been kind enough to give me some pointers on how to help Patronus learn to retrieve things, so if I drop something and don’t know where it is he can pick it up for me. Isn’t that amazing? 

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